who we are
We are FanShield. We are a company built by fans, for fans. We offer ticket protection throughout the entire live event space and what sets us apart is that we are on the side of the fan from the very beginning. We value the passion and heart behind a fan and when you’re stoked about your next event and everything goes well, we will be there celebrating alongside you. But just in case things don’t go as planned, we’ve got your back. Keep an eye out for FanShield ticket protection when purchasing tickets for your next favorite live event!
fanshield Fanstories
This passion-fueled project begins by turning the camera away from the stage or the field, and diving deep into the crowd filled with endless amounts of untold stories. We desire to reveal the passion, history and narratives of the boldest and fiercest fans in each and every live event space. We have made it our job to provide you with a platform to tell the story of your fandom. Whether you happen to be the face behind the fan accounts on twitter, or you haven’t missed a home game since 1989.