

It started with a conversation.

Our Development team recently had an amazing trip to Dodger stadium and while recapping the fun with a member of our Brands team a plan was hatched, we’d form a company softball team.

Soon our executive leadership was onboard. Our Operations team wasn’t going to be left out, and our Public Relations and Finance teams stepped up to the plate. Yes, we’re engineers, ops specialists, coordinators, company presidents, and COOs, but we’re also Mariner, Angels, Dodgers, Red Sox, and Yankees fans.


That fanship made us want to play. The play has made us closer as a team. We’re coming together in new ways. We’ve taken our everyday discourse from slack to the field. People are calling authority figures “Blue.” We’re a little worried that the term “cut-off” is going to take over for manager. There’s a lot of high fives. We might have a secret handshake in the works.

The Protecht softball team is 1–0. But the real victory is the camaraderie and communication we’re fostering as a team.


#protechtwhatmatters #protechtasateam